Monday, 23 September 2013

How ONE SINGLE WORD stopped religious advertising!

In 2012 Co-organizer and Spokesperson of the Northeast Pensylvania freethought society Justin Vacula attempted to get an athiest advertisement on the County of Lackawanna transport system. The proposal was rejected as it was considered 'attacking religion' and it could spark public debate.

Oh heaven forbid we have a public debate about anything of consequence.

This year another proposal was rejected by COLTS.

“It’s our aim to be completely neutral on religious issues” said COLTS solicitor Timothy Hinton.

I'm sorry to inflict this on my viewers, but here is the horrible devisive advertisement that COLTs rejected. Look away now if you are at all squeemish.

Horrific, isn't it?

In its refusal letter to Justin Vacula, COLTS states "It is COLTS goal to provide a safe and welcoming environment on its buses for the public at large. The acceptance of ads that promote debate over public issues such as abortion, gun control or the existence of God in a confined space like the inside of a bus detracts from our goal"

This advertising proposal has caused COLTS to revise its advertising policy to protect the general public from anything that might cause them offence.

On the 17th of September the COLTS board meeting adopted a new advertising policy.

Under the new policy ads “that promote the existence or non-existence of a supreme deity, deities, being or beings; that address, promote, criticize or attack a religion or religions, religious beliefs or lack of religious beliefs; that directly quote or cite scriptures, religious text or texts involving religious beliefs or lack of religious beliefs; or otherwise religious in nature” will not be accepted.

The NEPA are continuing to pursue the matter.

Ideally I'd like to see the advertising open to all points of view but as new policy prohibits it I guess that's not going to happen.

One word managed to get all religious advertising shut down. That's power!

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