Monday, 30 May 2016

The elusive Dr Ronald Shimschuck !

So does Dr Ronald Shimschuck actually exist ?

The Nibiru whistleblower and one of the "smartest men in the world" (lulz) supposedly graduated from M.I.T.

That's a nice story you have there.

It would be a shame if someone actually contacted M.I.T. and checked it.

Like me.

Predictably the answer came back...

I guess the government has removed his academic record, even though hundreds of people have met him at M.I.T.

You can see what's wrong with Dr Ronald Schimschuck's transcript here.


  1. Skepticism is healthy. Can you explain the sky cam videos and photos? I personally have seen a setting sun in the south at the same time the sun was setting in the west. I have seen the halo around the moon. So what *is* going on?

    1. My first reaction is to say tricks of the light, however if you really want to know what you have seen perhaps you should refer the questions to people who have some expertise in optics/meteorology/astronomy.
